Članki in drugi sestavni deli

1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek in 1.04 Strokovni članek


ŠUSTER, Katja, CÖR, Andrej. Fast and specific detection of staphylococcal PJI with bacteriophage-based methods within 104 sonicate fluid samples. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. [Online ed.]. 2022, vol. 40, no. 6, str. 1358-1364. ISSN 1554-527X. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34432330/, DOI: 10.1002/jor.25167. [COBISS.SI-ID 74568451], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 16. 8. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0,50, Scopus]

LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, SAVARIN, Denia, KOVAČ, Simon. The impact of COVID-19 on the orthopaedic patient in Slovenia : HIP and knee replacement surgery, 90-day mortality, outpatient visits and waiting times = Vpliv pandemije COVID-19 na ortopedskega pacienta v Sloveniji : na operacije zamenjave kolka in kolena, smrtnost 90 dni po operaciji, ambulantne preglede in čakalne vrste. Zdravstveno varstvo : Slovenian journal of public health. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, letn. 61, št. 3, str. 155-162. ISSN 0351-0026. https://doi.org/10.2478/sjph-2022-0021, DOI: 10.2478/sjph-2022-0021. [COBISS.SI-ID 113508355], [JCR, SNIP, WoS, Scopus]

MOHAR, Janez. Metode notranjega fiksiranja križnice na črevnico- Pregled literature in analiza serije primerov fiksiranja z iliakalnim vijakom = Methods of internal sacroiliac fixation-Literature review and case series analysis of iliac screw fixation. Zdravniški vestnik : glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva. [Spletna izd.]. 2022, letn. 61, št. 3, str. 1-12, ilustr. ISSN 1581-0224. https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3222, DOI: 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3222. [COBISS.SI-ID 113882627], [SNIP]

ROŠKAR, Samo, TREBŠE, Rihard. Primerjava kliničnega izida vstavitve totalne endoproteze kolka preko anteriornega in lateralnega pristopa = Comparison of he clinical outcome after total hip endoprothesis via the direct anterior or lateral approach = a systematic review with metaanalysis : sistematični pregled z metaanalizo. Zdravniški vestnik : glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva. [Tiskana izd.]. maj/jun. 2022, vol. 91, iss. 5/6, str. 226-236, ilustr. ISSN 1318-0347. https://vestnik.szd.si/index.php/ZdravVest/article/view/3179/3757, DOI: 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3179. [COBISS.SI-ID 112863747], [SNIP]

BRUMAT, Peter, NOVAK, Samo, TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, TREBŠE, Rihard, et al. The surgical treatment of osteoarthritis. Life. 2022, letn. 12, št. 982, str. 1-21, ilustr. ISSN 2075-1729. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12070982, DOI: 10.3390/life12070982. [COBISS.SI-ID 113470723], [JCR, SNIP, WoS, Scopus]

JASENC, Lara, STRAŽAR, Klemen, TREBŠE, Rihard, MIHELIČ, Anže, MIHALIČ, Rene. In vitro characterization of the human skeletal stem cell-like properties of primary bone-derived mesenchymal stem /stromal cells in patients with late and early hip osteoarthritis. Life. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 899, str. 1-16, ilustr. ISSN 2075-1729. http://doi.org, DOI: 10.3390/life12060899. [COBISS.SI-ID 112107267], [JCR, SNIP, WoS, Scopus]

TOMAŽIČ, Ana, ŽVANUT, Boštjan, VOUK GRBAC, Lilijana, JURDANA, Mihaela. Identification of sarcopenic obesity in adults undergoing orthopaedic surgery : relationship between “a body shape index” (ABSI) and fat-free mass : a cross -sectional study. PLoS medicine. 2022, iss. 6, art. e0269956, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 1549-1277. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.026995..., DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269956. [COBISS.SI-ID 112563203], [JCR, SNIP, Scopus]

TREBŠE, Rihard, VALIČ, Matej, SAVARIN, Denia, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna. Survival rate of total hip replacements with matched and with mixed components with 10.7 years mean follow-up. Hip international. 2022, vol. 32, št. 1, str. 32-38, ilustr. ISSN 1120-7000. DOI: 10.1177/1120700020972710. [COBISS.SI-ID 42427651], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 1. 1. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0,20, Scopus do 30. 12. 2021: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0,20]


WOUTHUYZEN-BAKKER, Marjan, SEBILLOTTE, Marine, CEDRIC, Arvieux, FERNANDEZ-SAMPEDRO, Marta, SENNEVILLE, Eric, BARBERO, José Maria, LORA-TAMAYO, Jaime, ABOLTINS, Craig A., TREBŠE, Rihard, SALLES, Mauro José, et al. How to handle concomitant asymptomatic procthetic joints during an episode of hematogenous periprosthetic joint infection, a multicenter analysis. Clinical infectious diseases. [Online ed.]. Dec. 2021, vol. 73, iss. 11, e3820-e3824. ISSN 1537-6591. https://academic.oup.com/cid/article-abstract/73/11/e3820/5894433, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa/1222. [COBISS.SI-ID 91467011], [JCR, SNIP]

SPAJIĆ, Ivan, RAHIMI, Ehsan, LEKKA, Maria, OFFOIACH, Ruben, FEDRIZZI, Lorenzo, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Al2O3Al2O3 and HfO2HfO2 atomic layers deposited in single and multilayer configurations on titanium and on stainless steel for biomedical applications. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. [Online ed.]. 2021, vol. 168, no. 7, str. 071510-1-071510-16. ISSN 1945-7111. DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ac131b. [COBISS.SI-ID 71220227]

BRUMAT, Peter, MIHALIČ, Rene, KOVAČ, Simon, TREBŠE, Rihard. Acute femoral lengthening in adults using step-cut osteotomy, traction table, and proximal femoral locking plate fixation: aurgicl technique and report of three cases. Indian journal of orthopaedics. okt. 2021, vol. 16, iss.10, str. [1-7], ilustr. ISSN 0019-5413. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43465-021-00547-7, DOI: 10.1007/s43465-021-00547-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 87663875]

MIHALIČ, Rene, BRUMAT, Peter, TREBŠE, Rihard. Bernese peri-acetabular osteotomy performed with navigation and patient-specific templates is a reproducible and safe procedure. International orthopaedics. 2021, vol. 44, no. 1, str. 1-7, ilustr. ISSN 0341-2695. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00264-020-04897-z, DOI: 10.1007/s00264-020-04897-z. [COBISS.SI-ID 47128067]

BRUMAT, Peter, MIHALIČ, Rene, KRISTAN, Anže, TREBŠE, Rihard. Patient-specific template and electromagnetic navigation assisted bilateral periacetabular osteotomy for staged correction of bilateral injury-induced hip dysplasia : a case report. Journal of hip preservation surgery. 2021, letn. [v tisku], iss. [v tisku], str. [1-5], ilustr. ISSN 2054-8397. https://doi.org/10.1093/jhps/hnab054, DOI: 10.1093/jhps/hnab054. [COBISS.SI-ID 76211459]

BARIČ, Anja, HLEBŠ, Sonja, NOVAK, Samo, BRUMAT, Peter. Epidemiology of injuries in female and male senior Slovenian handball leagues. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. Dec. 2021, vol. 61, no. 12, str. 1644-1652, tabele. ISSN 1827-1928. https://www.minervamedica.it/en/journals/sports-med-physical-fitness/art.... [COBISS.SI-ID 88854019]

TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, CÖR, Andrej. Outcome after two sequential revision hip arthroplasties for CoC bearing Fracture with 10 years follow-up : a case report. Journal of orthopaedic case reports. 2021, no. 11, no. 7, str. 45-48. ISSN 2250-0685. DOI: 10.13107/jocr.2021.v11.i07.2310. [COBISS.SI-ID 77288451]

MARJANOVIČ, Benjamin, POBERAJ, Boris, KOPAČ, Cene, MIRNIK, Nino, et al. 11% complications rate after Latarjet procedure at up to 14 years follow-up. Musculoskeletal surgery. 7. jan. 2021, vol. 105, iss. 1, str. [1-11], ilustr. ISSN 2035-5114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12306-021-00697-9, DOI: 10.1007/s12306-021-00697-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 48207619]

NABERGOJ, Marko, DENARD, Patrick J., COLLIN, Philippe, TREBŠE, Rihard, LÃDERMANN, Alexandre. Radiological changes, infections and neurological complications after reverse shoulder arthroplasty related to different design types and their rates: part II. EFORT open reviews. Nov. 2021, vol. 6, iss. 11, str. 1109-1121, ilustr. ISSN 2058-5241. https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/reader/content/17d3a06f70c/10.130..., DOI: 10.3202/2058-5241.6.210040. [COBISS.SI-ID 89761539]

NABERGOJ, Marko, DENARD, Patrick J., COLLIN, Philippe, TREBŠE, Rihard, LÃDERMANN, Alexandre, et al. Mechanical complications and fractures after reverse shoulder arthroplasty related to different design types and their rates: part I. EFORT open reviews. Nov. 2021, vol. 6, iss. 11, str.1097-1108, ilustr. ISSN 2058-5241. https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/reader/content/17d3a06f30e/10.130..., DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.6.210039. [COBISS.SI-ID 89743107]

NABERGOJ, Marko, TREBŠE, Rihard, ONISHI, Shinzo, LÄDERMANN, Alexander, TREBŠE, Rihard. Can lateralization of reverse shoulder arthroplasty improve active external rotation in patients with preoperative fatty infiltration of the infraspinatus and teres minor. Journal of clinical medicine. Sept. 2021, letn. 10, št. 10, str. 1-8, ilustr. ISSN 2077-0383. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8468982/, DOI: 10.3390/jcm10184130. [COBISS.SI-ID 83952387]

NABERGOJ, Marko, NEYTON, Lionel. Reverse shoulder arthroplasty with bony and metallic versus standard bony reconstruction for severe glenoid bone loss. : a retrospective comparative cohort study. Journal of clinical medicine. nov. 2021, vol. 10, iss. 11, str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 2077-0383. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/10/22/5274/htm, DOI: 10.3390/jcm10225274. [COBISS.SI-ID 84910083]

NABERGOJ, Marko, BAGHERI, Nima, et al. Arthroscopic rotator cuffe repair : is healing enough. Orthopaedics & traumatology: surgery & research. [2021], letn. [v tisku], št. [v tisku], str,[v tisku], ilustr. ISSN 1877-0568. https://www.jshoulderelbow.org/action/showPdf?pii=S1058-2746%2821%2900278-0, DOI: 10.1016/j.otsr.2021.103100. [COBISS.SI-ID 84304387]

LENSEN, Karel-Jan Dag François, TREBŠE, Rihard, ESCUDERO SÁNCHEZ, Rosa, COBO REINOSO, Javier, et al. The efficacy of suppressive antibiotic treatment in patients managed non-operatively for periprosthetic joint infection and a draining sinus. Journal of bone and joint infection. 2021, letn. 6, str. 313-319, ilustr. ISSN 2206-3552. https://doi.org/10.5194/jbji-6-313-2021, DOI: 10.5194/jbji-6-313-2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 76208131]

MCNALLY, Ruth M., SOUSA, R., TREBŠE, Rihard. The EBJIS definition of periprosthetic joint infection : a practical guide for clinicians. The bone & joint journal. [Online ed.]. 2021, letn. 103-b, št. 1, [9] str. ISSN 2049-4408. DOI: :10.1302/0301-620X.103B1. [COBISS.SI-ID 33860099]


MIHALIČ, Rene, BRUMAT, Peter, TREBŠE, Rihard. A novel concept of cam-type femoroacetabular impingement treatment with patient-specific template guided ostheochondral deformity ablation. International orthopaedics. 2020, vol. 44, št. , str. [1-7], ilustr. ISSN 0341-2695. DOI: 10.1007/s00264-020-04887-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 39939075]

MIHALIČ, Rene, ZDOVC, Jurij, TREBŠE, Rihard, BRUMAT, Peter. Synovial fluid interleukin-6 is not superior to cell count and differential in the detection of periprosthetic joint infection. JB&JS open access. 2020, vol. 1, št. 12, str. 737-742. ISSN 2472-7245. https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/doi/epdf/10.1302/2633-1462.112.BJO-20..., DOI: 10.1302/2633-1462.112.BJO- 2020-0166.R1. [COBISS.SI-ID 41434115]

ŠUSTER, Katja, PODGORNIK, Aleš, CÖR, Andrej. An alternative molecular approach for a rapid and specific detection of clinically relevant bacteria causing prosthetic joint infections with bacteriophage K. The New microbiologica : journal of basic and clinical microbiological sciences. Jul. 2020, vol. 43, iss. 3, str. 107-114, ilustr. ISSN 1121-7138. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1043659620941585. [COBISS.SI-ID 22746883]

NEGRO, Giulia, ASCHENBRENNER, Bertram, KRANJC BREZAR, Simona, ČEMAŽAR, Maja, CÖR, Andrej, GAŠLJEVIĆ, Gorana, SOROKIN, Maxim, BUZDIN, Anton A., CALLARI, Maurizio, KVITSARIDZE, Irma, et al. Molecular heterogeneity in breast carcinoma cells with increased invasive capacities. Radiology and oncology. [Print ed.]. 2020, vol. 54, no. 1, str. 103-118, xi, ilustr. ISSN 1318-2099. DOI: 10.2478/raon-2020-0007. [COBISS.SI-ID 3514235]

PARAVLIĆ, Armin, MAFFULLI, Nicola, KOVAČ, Simon, PIŠOT, Rado. Home-based motor imagery intervention improves functional performance following total knee arthroplasty in the short term : a randomized controlled trial. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. [Online ed.]. 2020, vol. 15, str. 1-16, ilustr. ISSN 1749-799X. https://josr-online.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s13018-020-01964-4, DOI: 10.1186/s13018-020-01964-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 31522819]
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POBERAJ, Boris, MARJANOVIČ, Benjamin, ZUPANČIČ, Martin, NABERGOJ, Marko, CVETKO, Erika, BALAŽIC, Matej, SENEKOVIČ, Vladimir. Biomechanical comparison of the three techniques for arthroscopic suprapectoral biceps tenodesis : implant-free intraosseous tendon fixation with Cobra Guide, interference screw and suture anchor. Musculoskeletal surgery. Apr. 2020, vol. 104, iss. 1, str. 49-57. ISSN 2035-5114. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs12306-019-00591-5.pdf, DOI: 0.1007/s12306-019-00591-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 34197977]

MIHALIČ, Rene, ZDOVC, Jurij, MOHAR, Janez, TREBŠE, Rihard. Electromagnetic navigation system for acetabular component placement in total hip arthroplasty is more precise and accurate than the freehand technique : a randomized, controlled trial with 84 patients. Acta orthopaedica. 2020, vol. 91, iss. 6, str. 675-681, ilustr. ISSN 1745-3682. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17453674.2020.1783073, DOI: 10.1080/17453674.2020.1783073. [COBISS.SI-ID 21303811]

ČAMERNIK, Klemen, MIHELIČ, Anže, MIHALIČ, Rene, HARING, Gregor, HERMAN, Simon, MAROLT, Darja, JANEŽ, Andrej, TREBŠE, Rihard, MARC, Janja, ZUPAN, Janja. Comprehensive analysis of skeletal muscle- and bone-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells in patients with osteoarthritis and femoral neck fracture. Stem cell research & therapy. Apr. 2020, vol. 11, iss. 1, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 1757-6512. https://stemcellres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13287-020-01657-z, DOI: 10.1186/s13287-020-01657-z. [COBISS.SI-ID 34763993]

ČAMERNIK, Klemen, MIHELIČ, Anže, MIHALIČ, Rene, MAROLT, Darja, JANEŽ, Andrej, TREBŠE, Rihard, MARC, Janja, ZUPAN, Janja. Increased exhaustion of the subchondral bone-derived mesenchymal stem/ stromal cells in primary versus dysplastic osteoarthritis. Stem cell reviews and reports. Aug. 2020, vol. 16, iss. 4, str. 742-754, ilustr. ISSN 2629-3277. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12015-020-09964-x.pdf, DOI: 10.1007/s12015-020-09964-x. [COBISS.SI-ID 34745561]

RAVNIHAR, Klemen, MARŠ, Tomaž, PIRKMAJER, Sergej, ALIBEGOVIĆ, Armin, KOŽELJ, Gordana, STOŽER, Andraž, DROBNIČ, Matej. The influence of a single intra-articular lidocaine injection on the viability of articular cartilage in the knee. Cartilage. 2020, vol. , is. , str. ISSN 1947-6043. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1947603520904759, DOI: 10.1177/1947603520904759. [COBISS.SI-ID 34691033]

KOCESKA, Nataša, KOMADINA, Radko, SIMJANOSKA, Monika, KOTESKA, Bojana, STRAHOVNIK, Andrej, JOŠT, Anton, MAČEK, Rok, BOGDANOVA, Ana Madevska, TRAJKOVIK, Vladimir, TASIČ, Jurij F., TRONTELJ, Janez. Mobile wireless monitoring system for prehospital emergency care. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery. 2020, vol. 46, str. 1301-1308, ilustr. ISSN 1863-9933. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00068-019-01130-4, DOI: 10.1007/s00068-019-01130-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 12462932]

CICCHINELLI, Luke D., ŠTALC, Jurij. Prospective, multicenter, clinical and radiographic evaluation of a biointegrative, fiber-reinforced implant for proximal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis. Foot & ankle orthopaedics. 2020, vol. 5, št. 4, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 2473-0114. https://doi.org/10.1177/2473011420966311, DOI: 10.1177/2473011420966311. [COBISS.SI-ID 39947523]

TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, VOZLIČ, David, PLOHL, Nejc, VENGUST, Rok, VODIČAR, Miha, MANNION, Anne Frances. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Slovenian version of the Core outcome measures index for low back pain. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. [Online ed.]. Apr. 2020, vol. 21, iss. 1, str. 1-8. ISSN 1471-2474. https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s1289..., DOI: 10.1186/s12891-020-03280-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 34794969]

WOUTHUYZEN-BAKKER, Marjan, SEBILLOTTE, Marine, HUOTARI, Kaisa, ESCUDERO SÁNCHEZ, Rosa, BENAVENT PALOMARES, Eva, PARVIZI, Javad, FERNANDEZ-SAMPEDRO, Marta, BARBERO, José Maria, GARCIA-CAÑETE, Joaquín, TREBŠE, Rihard, et al. Lower success rate of débridement and implant retention in late acute versus early acute periprosthetic joint infection caused by Staphylococcus spp. : results from a matched cohort study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. Jun. 2020, vol. 478, iss. 6, str. 1348-1355, ilustr. ISSN 0009-921X. https://journals.lww.com/clinorthop/Abstract/2020/06000/Lower_Success_Ra..., DOI: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000001171. [COBISS.SI-ID 23506179]


KOVAČ, Simon, MAVČIČ, Blaž, KOTNIK, Marko, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, SIRŠE, Mateja, FOKTER, Samo K., 7th International Congress of Arthroplasty Registries. What factors are associated with neck fracture in one commonly used bimodular THA design? : a multicenter, nationwide study in Slovenia. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. Feb. 2019, vol. 477, iss. 6, str. 1324-1332, ilustr. ISSN 0009-921X. https://journals.lww.com/clinorthop/Abstract/publishahead/What_Factors_A..., DOI: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000646. [COBISS.SI-ID 1541218500], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 24. 9. 2021: št. citatov (TC): 11, čistih citatov (CI): 5, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 0,83, Scopus do 27. 4. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 12, čistih citatov (CI): 6, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 1,00]

KOCESKA, Nataša, KOMADINA, Radko, SIMJANOSKA, Monika, KOTESKA, Bojana, STRAHOVNIK, Andrej, JOŠT, Anton, MAČEK, Rok, BOGDANOVA, Ana Madevska, TRAJKOVIK, Vladimir, TASIČ, Jurij F., TRONTELJ, Janez. Mobile wireless monitoring system for prehospital emergency care. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery, ISSN 1863-9933, 2019, vol. , iss. , str. 1-8, ilustr.  [COBISS.SI-ID 12462932]

ZUPAN, Janja, VRTAČNIK, Peter, CÖR, Andrej, HARING, Gregor, WERYHA, Georges, VISVIKIS-SIEST, Sophie, MARC, Janja. VEGF-A is associated with early degenerative changes in cartilage and subchondral bone. Growth factors, ISSN 0897-7194, 2019, vol. 36, iss. 5-6, str. 263-273, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 4674417]

TEMOVA RAKUŠA, Žane, ROŠKAR, Robert, KLANČAR, Anita, TRDAN LUŠIN, Tina, FAGANELI, Nataša, GRABNAR, Iztok, MRHAR, Aleš, KRISTL, Albin, TRONTELJ, Jurij. Fast and simple LC-MS/MS method for rifampicin quantification in human plasma. International Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Online), ISSN 1687-8779, 2019, vol. 2019, str. 1-7, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 4670321]

ABOLTINS, Craig A., ANTOCI, Valentin, BHATTACHARYYA, Sanjib, CROSS, Michael B., DUCHEYNE, Paul, FREIBERG, Andrew A., HAILER, Nils P., KAY, Peter, KETONIS, Constantinos, TREBŠE, Rihard, et al. Hip and knee section, prevention, prosthesis factors : proceedings of international consensus on orthopedic infections. The Journal of arthroplasty, ISSN 0883-5403, Feb. 2019, vol. 34, iss. 2, suppl., str. 309-320. [COBISS.SI-ID 1541162692]

HEDBERG, Yolanda S., ŽNIDARŠIČ, Monika, HERTING, Gunilla, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, ODNEVALL WALLINDER, Inger. Mechanistic insight on the combined effect of albumin and hydrogen peroxide on surface oxide composition and extent of metal release from Ti6Al4V. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials., ISSN 1552-4973, 2019, vol. 107, no. 3, str. 858-867. [COBISS.SI-ID 32180519]

WOUTHUYZEN-BAKKER, Marjan, SEBILLOTTE, Marine, LOMAS, Jose, KENDRICK, Benjamin, BENAVENT PALOMARES, Eva, MURILLO, Oscar, PARVIZI, Javad, SHOHAT, Noam, COBO REINOSO, Javier, ESCUDERO SÁNCHEZ, Rosa, TREBŠE, Rihard, et al. Timing of implant-removal in late acute periprosthetic joint infection : a multicenter observational study. The Journal of infection, ISSN 0163-4453, Sep. 2019, vol. 79, iss. 3, str. 199-205, ilustr.[COBISS.SI-ID 1541537476]

GIOTIKAS, Dimitris, TARAZI, Nadim, SPALDING, Lynette, NABERGOJ, Marko, KRKOVIČ, Matija. Results of the Induced membrane technique in the management of traumatic bone loss in the lower limb : a cohort study. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, ISSN 0890-5339, Mar. 2019, Vol. 33, iss. 3, str. 131-136. [COBISS.SI-ID 1541435588]

CÖR, Andrej. Histological characteristics of periprosthetic tissue around metal on metal hip prostheses. Material science & engineering international journal, ISSN 2574-9927, 2019, vol. 3, iss. 1, str. 33-36, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1541122500]

CÖR, Andrej. Histological picture of wear particles and the biological response in periprosthetic tissue = Histološka slika obrabnih delcev in biološki odgovor v periprotetičnem tkivu. Materiali in tehnologije, ISSN 1580-2949. [Tiskana izd.], 2019, vol. 53, no. 1, str. 77-80, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1461162]

POBERAJ, Boris, MARJANOVIČ, Benjamin, ZUPANČIČ, Martin, NABERGOJ, Marko, CVETKO, Erika, BALAŽIC, Matej, SENEKOVIČ, Vladimir. Biomechanical comparison of the three techniques for arthroscopic suprapectoral biceps tenodesis : implant-free intraosseous tendon fixation with Cobra Guide, interference screw and suture anchor. Musculoskeletal surgery, ISSN 2035-5114, 2019, vol. , iss. [COBISS.SI-ID 34197977]

ČAMERNIK, Klemen, MIHELIČ, Anže, MIHALIČ, Rene, MAROLT, Darja, JANEŽ, Andrej, TREBŠE, Rihard, MARC, Janja, ZUPAN, Janja. Skeletal-muscle-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells from patients with osteoarthritis show superior biological properties compared to bone-derived cells. Stem cell research, ISSN 1873-5061, 2019, vol. 38, str. 1-12, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 4717937]

KLAVS, Irena, SERDT, Mojca, KOROŠEC, Aleš, LEJKO-ZUPANC, Tatjana, PEČAVAR, Blaž, KOLMAN, Jana, ŠUBELJ, Maja, ALIČ, Živa , DAMEVSKA, G , DOLENEC, Matej , FIŠER, Jerneja , KERIN-POVŠIČ, Milena , KOTNIK-KEVORKIJAN, Božena , LUŽNIK, Tanja , MIHELIČ, Anže , MILOTIĆ, Irena , MRVIČ, Tatjana , MUGOŠA, Marko , NEMEC, Gregor , PAL, Emil , PIKELJ PEČNIK, Andreja , PILTAVER-VAJDEC, Irena , POHAR, Lidija , REMEC-ZAFRED, Tatjana , ROJKO, Maja , SAVNIK-ISKRA, Mojca , TOMIČ, Viktorija , KALAN UŠTAR, Katja , VIRANT, Irena , et al. Prevalence of and factors associated with healthcare-associated infections in Slovenian acute care hospitals : results of the third national survey = Prevalenca in dejavniki, povezani z bolnišničnimi okužbami v slovenskih bolnišnicah za akutno oskrbo : rezultati tretje nacionalne presečne raziskave. Zdravstveno varstvo : Slovenian journal of public health, ISSN 0351-0026. [Tiskana izd.], 2019, letn. 58, št. 2, str. 62-69. [COBISS.SI-ID 4446181]


LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, ZADNIK, Vesna. Risk of cancer after primary total hip replacement : the influence of bearings, cementation and the material of the stem. Acta orthopaedica, ISSN 1745-3674, 2018, vol. 89, no. 2, str. 234-239. [COBISS.SI-ID 2869371]

RANT, Živa, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna. Building the National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia = Izgradnja Registra endoprotetike Slovenije. Informatica medica slovenica, ISSN 1318-2129, 2016 [i. e. 2018], letn. 21, št. 1/2, str. 2-13, ilustr [COBISS.SI-ID 527001625]

WOUTHUYZEN-BAKKER, Marjan, LORA-TAMAYO, Jaime, SENNEVILLE, Eric, SCARBOUROUGH, Matthew, FERRY, Tristan, UÇKAY, Ilker, SALLES, Mauro J, O'CONNELL, Karina, IRIBARREN, Josean A, VIGANTE, Dace, TREBŠE, Rihard, CEDRIC, Arvieux, SORIANO, Alex, ARIZA, Javier. Erysipelas or cellulitis with a prosthetic joint in situ. Journal of bone and joint infection, ISSN 2206-3552, 2018, vol. 3, iss. 4, str. 222-225, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1540803524]

WOUTHUYZEN-BAKKER, Marjan, SEBILLOTTE, Marine, LOMAS, Jose, TAYLOR, Adrian, BENAVENT PALOMARES, Eva, MURILLO, Oscar, PARVIZI, Javad, SHOHAT, Noam, COBO REINOSO, Javier, TREBŠE, Rihard, et al. Clinical outcome and risk factors for failure in late acute prosthetic joint infections treated with debridement and implant retention. The Journal of infection, ISSN 0163-4453, [in press] 2018, 23 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1540519364]

MARUŠIČ, Uroš, GROSPRÊTRE, Sidney, PARAVLIĆ, Armin, KOVAČ, Simon, PIŠOT, Rado, TAUBE, Wolfgang. Motor imagery during action observation of locomotor tasks improves rehabilitation outcome in older adults after total hip arthroplasty. Neural Plasticity, ISSN 2090-5904, 2018, vol. 2018, str. 1-9, tabele, graf. prikazi.  [COBISS.SI-ID 1540201668]

KNEZ, Dejan, MOHAR, Janez, CIRMAN, Robert, LIKAR, Boštjan, PERNUŠ, Franjo, VRTOVEC, Tomaž. Variability analysis of manual and computer-assisted preoperative thoracic pedicle screw placement planning. Spine, ISSN 0362-2436, Nov. 1, 2018, vol. 43, no. 21, str. 1487-1495, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 11993172]


LORA-TAMAYO, Jaime, GORIŠEK MIKSIĆ, Nina, TREBŠE, Rihard, et al. The not-so-good prognosis of Streptococcal periprosthetic joint Infection managed by implant retention : the results of a large multicenter study. Clinical infectious diseases, ISSN 1058-4838. [Print ed.], Jun. 2017, vol. 64, iss. 12, str. 1742-1752, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1539442628]

MILOŠEV, Ingrid, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, VIDMAR, Janja, KOVAČ, Simon, TREBŠE, Rihard. pH and metal concentration of synovial fluid of osteoarthritic joints and joints with metal replacements. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials., ISSN 1552-4973, 2017, vol. 105, no. 8, str. 2507-2515. [COBISS.SI-ID 29816615]

ŠUSTER, Katja, PODGORNIK, Aleš, CÖR, Andrej. Quick bacteriophage-mediated bioluminescence assay for detecting Staphylococcus spp. in sonicate fluid of orthopaedic artificial joints. The New microbiologica : journal of basic and clinical microbiological sciences, ISSN 1121-7138, vol. 40, no. 3, str. 190-196, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1539544004]

HERO, Nikša, VENGUST, Rok, TOPOLOVEC, Matevž. Cooperative anlysis of colimed (first anterior then posterior) versus only posterior aproach for treating severe scoliosis:a meam follow up of 8.5 years. Spine, ISSN 1528-1159. [Online ed.], ilustr.  [COBISS.SI-ID 1539344580]

PARAVLIĆ, Armin, KOVAČ, Simon, PIŠOT, Rado, MARUŠIČ, Uroš. Neurostructural correlates of strength decrease following total knee arthroplasty : a systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis. Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences, ISSN 1512-8601, 2019, advanced online, str. 1-37, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2524627]

MILOŠEV, Ingrid. From in vitro to retrieval studies of orthopedic implants. Corrosion, ISSN 0010-9312. [Print ed.], 2017, vol. 73, no. 12, str. 1496-1509- [COBISS.SI-ID 30936103]

FOKTER, Samo K., LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, KOVAČ, Simon. Inovacijska past : izmenljivi vrat totalne kolčne endoproteze = The innovation trap : modular neck in total hip arthroplasty. Zdravniški vestnik : glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva, ISSN 1318-0347. [Tiskana izd.], 2017, letn. 86, št. 3/4, str. 115-126, ilustr.  [COBISS.SI-ID 5975103]

MIHELIČ, Anže, TREBŠE, Maruška, TREBŠE, Neža, TREBŠE, Rihard. Zdravljenje zmanjšane gibljivosti komolca = Treatment of elbow stiffness. Zdravniški vestnik : glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva, ISSN 1318-0347. [Tiskana izd.], maj/jun. 2018, letn. 87, št. 5/6, str. 289-296, ilustr.  [COBISS.SI-ID 1540473284]


MILOŠEV, Ingrid, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, VIDMAR, Janja, KOVAČ, Simon, TREBŠE, Rihard. pH and metal concentration of synovial fluid of osteoarthritic joints and joints with metal replacements. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials, ISSN 1552-4973, [in press] 2016, 9 str.[COBISS.SI-ID 29816615]

BRILEJ, Drago, KRUŠIČ, Dejan, KRISTAN, Anže, CIMERMAN, Matej, ČRETNIK, Andrej, TREBŠE, Rihard, KOCJAN, Tomaž, GRABLJEVEC, Klemen, KOMADINA, Radko. Strokovno stališče Društva travmatologov Slovenije o zdravljenju zlomov medenice pri osteoporozi = A position statement of the Traumatology Society of Slovenia of the treatment of fragility fractures of the pelvic ring. Zdravniški vestnik, ISSN 1318-0347. [Tiskana izd.], sept. 2016, letn. 85, št. 9, str. 514-519 [COBISS.SI-ID 1538932676]

AMBROŽIČ, Bogdan, NOVAK, Samo. The influence of medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction on clinical results and sports activity level. The Physician and sportsmedicine, ISSN 0091-3847, 2016, vol. 44, iss. 2, str. 133-140 [COBISS.SI-ID 1538300612]

COTOLAN, Nicoleta, RAK, Mitja, BELE, Marjan, CÖR, Andrej, MUREŞAN, Liana Maria, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Sol-gel synthesis, characterization and properties of TiO[sub]2 and Ag-TiO[sub]2 coatings on titanium substrate. Surface & coatings technology, ISSN 0257-8972. [Print ed.], 2016, vol. 307, part A, str. 790-799 [COBISS.SI-ID 29991975]

KNEZ, Dejan, MOHAR, Janez, CIRMAN, Robert, LIKAR, Boštjan, PERNUŠ, Franjo, VRTOVEC, Tomaž. Manual and computer-assisted pedicle screw placement plans : a quantitative comparison. V: YAO, Jianhua (ur.), et al. Computational methods and clinical applications for spine imaging : revised selected papers, 4th International Workshop and Challenge, CSI 2016, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece, October 17, 2016, (Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743, 10182). Cham: Springer, cop. 2016, str. 105-115. [COBISS.SI-ID 11708244]

MOHAR, Janez, CIMERMAN, Matej. Radiological changes after interspinous dynamic stabilisation for lateral stenosis of lumbar spinal canal: a parallel group randomised tril. Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Čechoslovaca, ISSN 0001-5415, Aug 2016, vol. 83, no. 4, str. 263--268. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538720452]

KNEZ, Dejan, MOHAR, Janez, LIKAR, Boštjan, PERNUŠ, Franjo, VRTOVEC, Tomaž. Quantitative comparison between the straight-forward and anatomical insertion technique for pedicle screw placement. V: STYNER, Martin Andreas (ur.), ANGELINI, Elsa D. (ur.). Medical Imaging 2016, Image Processing, Medical Imaging 2016, Image Processing, San Diego, CA, United States, 27 February - 3 March 2016, (Proceedings of SPIE, ISSN 0277-786X, vol. 9784). [Bellingham: SPIE], 2016, str. 1-6,[COBISS.SI-ID 11316820]

KNEZ, Dejan, MOHAR, Janez, CIRMAN, Robert, LIKAR, Boštjan, PERNUŠ, Franjo, VRTOVEC, Tomaž. Določanje velikosti in vstavitvene trajektorije pedikularnih vijakov v računalniškotomografskih (CT) slikah deformacij prsne hrbtenice : primerjava ročnega in računalniško podprtega predoperacijskega načrtovanja = Determination of the pedicle screw size and trajectory in CT images of thoracic spinal deformities : a comparison between manual and computer-assisted preoperative planning. Zdravniški vestnik, ISSN 1318-0347. [Tiskana izd.], nov./dec. 2016, letn. 85, št. 11/12, str. 619-631[COBISS.SI-ID 11678804]

RAK, Mitja, KAVČIČ, Martina, TREBŠE, Rihard, CÖR, Andrej. Detection of bacteria with molecular methods in prosthetic joint infection : sonication fluid better than periprosthetic tissue. Acta orthopaedica, ISSN 1745-3674, 2016, vol. 87, str. 1-9  [COBISS.SI-ID 1538215108]

TREBŠE, Rihard, MIHELIČ, Anže, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, CÖR, Andrej, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Results of revision of total hip arthroplasty for alumina ceramic-on-ceramic bearing fracture. Hip international, ISSN 1120-7000, 2016, vol. 26, no. 3, str. 237-243. [COBISS.SI-ID 29452071]

BEDENČIČ, Klemen, KAVČIČ, Martina, FAGANELI, Nataša, MIHALIČ, Rene, MAVČIČ, Blaž, DOLENC, Jožica, BAJC, Zlatka, TREBŠE, Rihard. Does preoperative antimicrobial prophylaxis influence the diagnostic potential of periprosthetic tissues in hip or knee infections?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, ISSN 0009-921X, Jan. 2016, vol. 474, iss. 1, 258-264 str.[COBISS.SI-ID 4064122]

MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Surface treatments of titanium with antibacterial agents for implant applications. V: DJOKIĆ, Stojan S. (ur.). Biomedical and pharmaceutical applications of electrochemistry, (Modern aspects of electrochemistry, ISSN 0076-9924, 60). Cham: Springer, [2016] , str. 1-87. [COBISS.SI-ID 29784615]

ŠTIBLAR-MARTINČIČ, Draga (avtor, urednik), CVETKO, Erika, CÖR, Andrej, MARŠ, Tomaž, DOLENŠEK, Janez. Anatomija, histologija, fiziologija. 4. izd. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, 2016. VIII, 133 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-267-115-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 286506496]




KULKARNI, Mukta Vishwanath, MAZARE, A., GONGADZE, Ekaterina, PERUTKOVÁ, Šárka, KRALJ-IGLIČ, Veronika, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, SCHMUKI, Patrik, IGLIČ, Aleš, MOZETIČ, Miran. Titanium nanostructures for biomedical applications. Nanotechnology, ISSN 0957-4484, 2015, vol. 26, no. 6, str. 062002-1-062002-19, doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/6/062002. [COBISS.SI-ID 28319015]

MLEKUŽ, Alen, TREBŠE, Rihard, MIHALIČ, Rene, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna. Diagnostični protokol za obravnavo okuženih sklepnih vsadkov = A diagnostic protocol for the evaluation of periprosthetic joint infection. Zdravniški vestnik, ISSN 1318-0347. [Tiskana izd.], jun. 2015, letn. 84, št. 6, str. 472-485, tabeli. [COBISS.SI-ID 281070848]

LEVÓN, Jaakko, AL-SAMADI, Ahmed, MACKIEWICZ, Zygmunt, CÖR, Andrej, TREBŠE, Rihard, WARIS, Eero, KONTTINEN, Yrjö T. Human beta-defensin-3 producing cells in septic implant loosening. Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4838, feb. 2015, vol. 26, iss. 2, p. 1-10, ilustr. http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10856-015-5440-4.pdf, doi: 10.1007/s10856-015-5440-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537225156]

BEDENČIČ, Klemen, KAVČIČ, Martina, FAGANELI, Nataša, MIHALIČ, Rene, MAVČIČ, Blaž, DOLENC, Jožica, BAJC, Zlatka, TREBŠE, Rihard. Does preoperative antimicrobial prophylaxis influence the diagnostic potential of periprosthetic tissues in hip or knee infections?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, ISSN 0009-921X, 2015. http://www.clinorthop.org/journal/11999/0/0/4609_10.1007_s11999-015-4609-y/2015/Does_Postoperative_Radiation_Decrease_Heterotopic_.html, doi: 10.1007/s11999-015-4486-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 4064122]

STRAŽAR, Klemen, KAVČIČ, Matjaž, ŠMIT, Žiga, SIMČIČ, Jurij, JAĆIMOVIĆ, Radojko, CÖR, Andrej, PELICON, Primož, ANTOLIČ, Vane. Analiza tkiva okrog omajanih umetnih kolčnih debel iz poliacetala z uporabo nuklearnih metod = Analysis of the tissue around artificial polyacetal hip stems using nuclear methods. Zdravniški vestnik, ISSN 1318-0347. [Tiskana izd.], mar. 2015, letn. 84, št. 3, str. 182-190, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 28801063]


TORNERO, Eduard, SENNEVILLE, Eric, EUBA, Gorane, PETERSDORF, Sabine, LAKATOS, Botond, PILARES, Martín, FERRARI, Mateo Carlo, BAHAMONDE, Alberto, TREBŠE, Rihard, BENITO, Natividad, et al. Characteristics of prosthetic joint infections due to Enterococcus sp. and predictors of failure : a multi-national study. Clinical microbiology and infection, ISSN 1198-743X, Nov. 2014, vol. 20, iss. 11, str. 1219-1224, ilustr., doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12721.. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537391044]

TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. A comparative study of four bearing couples of the same acetabular and femoral component: a mean follow-up of 11.5 years. The Journal of arthroplasty, ISSN 0883-5403, 2014, vol. 29, no. 1, str. 176-180, ilustr. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0883540313002842, doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2013.03.030. [COBISS.SI-ID 512396601]

TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, CÖR, Andrej, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Metal-on-metal vs. metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty tribological evaluation of retrieved components and periprosthetic tissue. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, ISSN 1751-6161, jun. 2014, vol. 34, str. 243-252, doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.02.018. [COBISS.SI-ID 27522343]

TREBŠE, Rihard, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, KOVAČ, Simon. Does the bearing type influence the incidence of periprosthetic infections of the hip?. Ceranews, 2014, iss. 1, str. 12-16, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1536480196]

RAK, Mitja, BARLIČ-MAGANJA, Darja, KAVČIČ, Martina, TREBŠE, Rihard, CÖR, Andrej. Identification of the same species in at least two intra-operative samples for prosthetic joint infection diagnostics yield the best results with broad-range polymerase chain reaction. International orthopaedics, ISSN 0341-2695, 2014, vol. 39, iss. 5, pp. 975-979, doi: 10.1007/s00264-014-2552-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 1536927172]

JÄMSEN, Eemeli, KOURI, Vesa-Petteri, OLKKONEN, Juri, CÖR, Andrej, GOODMAN, Stuart B., KONTTINEN, Yrjö T., PAJARINEN, Jukka. Characterization of macrophage polarizing cytokines in the aseptic loosening of total hip replacements. Journal of orthopaedic research, ISSN 0736-0266. [Print ed.], sept. 2014, vol. 32, iss. 85, p. 1241-1246, ilustr., doi: 10.1002/jor.22658. [COBISS.SI-ID 1536512708]

RAVNIHAR, Klemen, BARLIČ, Ariana, DROBNIČ, Matej. Effect of intra-articular local anesthesia on articular cartilage in the knee. Arthroscopy, ISSN 0749-8063, May 2014, vol. 30, no. 5, str. 607-612, ilustr., doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2014.02.002. [COBISS.SI-ID 31799513]


TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, CÖR, Andrej, BLOEBAUM, Roy D. Wear debris from hip prostheses characterized by electron imaging. Central European Journal of Medicine, ISSN 1895-1058, 2013, vol. 8, no. 4, str. 476-484, doi: 10.2478/s11536-013-0156-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 26668583]

RAK, Mitja, BARLIČ-MAGANJA, Darja, KAVČIČ, Martina, TREBŠE, Rihard, CÖR, Andrej. Comparison of molecular and culture method in diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection. FEMS microbiology letters, ISSN 0378-1097. [Print ed.], June 2013, vol. 343, iss. 1, str. 42-48, doi: 10.1111/1574-6968.12125. [COBISS.SI-ID 512353081]

SENEKOVIČ, Vladimir, POBERAJ, Boris, MIKEK, Martin, ADAR, Eliyahu, DEKEL, Assaf. Prospective clinical study of a novel biodegradable sub-acromial spacer in treatment of massive irreparable rotator cuff tears. European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology, ISSN 1633-8065, apr. 2013, vol. 23, iss. 3, str. 311-316. http://www.springerlink.com/content/175515hp61544140/, doi: 10.1007/s00590-012-0981-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 253100]

ZUPAN, Janja, VAN'T HOF, Rob J., VINDIŠAR, Franci, HARING, Gregor, TREBŠE, Rihard, KOMADINA, Radko, MARC, Janja. Osteoarthritic versus osteoporotic bone and intra-skeletal variations in normal bone: Evaluation with ŽCT and bone histomorphometry. J. orthop. res.. [Print ed.], 2013, vol. , no. , 8 str., ilustr. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jor.22318/abstract;jsessionid=3CBC1A92545C9673BA7C329C74AA1679.d01t03, doi: 10.1002/jor.22318. [COBISS.SI-ID 3393137]


I.Kramar, B. Nadu, V. Glavani, G. Soldatović, D. Terčič, Določanje vrednosti hemoglobin z metodo POCt, Zdravniški vestnik, Suppl., II-251-256 (2012).

R. Trebše, The diagnostic protocol for evaluation of periprosthetic joint infection, Hip International, 22 (Suppl 8) (2012) S25-S35.

MILOŠEV, Ingrid, KOVAČ, Simon, TREBŠE, Rihard, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, PIŠOT, Venčeslav. Comparison of ten-year survivorship of hip prostheses with use of conventional polyethylene, metal-on-metal, or ceramic-on-ceramic bearings. Journal of bone and joint surgery, ISSN 0021-9355, 2012, vol. 94, no. 19, str. 1756-1763, doi: 10.2106/JBJS.J.01858. [COBISS.SI-ID 26159143]

MORRELL, R., DANZER, Robert, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, TREBŠE, Rihard. An assessment of in vivo failures of alumina ceramic total hip joint replacements. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.. [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 32, no. 32, str. 3073-3084, doi: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2012.04.019. [COBISS.SI-ID 25895207]

FAGANELI, Nataša. Zdravljenje in vodenje akutne pooperativne bolečine = Acute postoperative pain management. Farm. vestn., 2012, letn. 63, št. 1, str. 10-13. [COBISS.SI-ID 29833177]


MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Metallic materials for biomedical applications : laboratory and clinical studies. Pure appl. chem., 2011, vol. 83, no. 2, str. 309-324. [COBISS.SI-ID 24410919]

LABEK, Gerold, KOVAČ, Simon, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, JANDA, Wolfgang, ZAGRA, Luigi. The outcome of the cementless tapered SL-Plus stem: an analysis of arthroplasty register data. Int. orthop., 2012, vol. 36, no. 6, str. 1149-1154, tabele, graf. prikaz, doi: 10.1007/s00264-011-1421-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 30069209]

Trebše R, Kavčič M, Mihalič R. Okužba kolenske endoproteze z bakterijo Abiotrophia defectiva- prikaz primera. Med. razgl. 2011, 50: S4: 17-21.

Trebše R, Mihalič R, Trampuž A. Okužbe vsadkov: algoritmični pristop k diagnostiki in zdravljenju. Med. razgl. 2011, 50: S4: 23-29.

FAGANELI, Nataša. Farmacevtska skrb za bolnika z neonkološko bolečino v domačem okolju. Lekarništvo, ISSN 1318-1254, nov. 2012, leto 40, št. 3, str. 59-66. [COBISS.SI-ID 275782144]

FAGANELI, Nataša. Odpornost stafilokokov proti rifampicinu. Lekarništvo, ISSN 1318-1254, dec. 2012, leto 40, št. 4, str. 45-51, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 275823104]


TROŠT, Zoran, TREBŠE, Rihard, PREŽELJ, Janez, KOMADINA, Radko, BITENC LOGAR, Darja, MARC, Janja. A microarray based identification of osteoporosis-related genes in primary culture of human osteoblasts. Bone. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 46, no. 1, str. 72-80, doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2009.09.015. [COBISS.SI-ID 2678385]

Rok Vengust, Rene Mihalič, Matjaž Turel, Two different causes of acute respiratory failure in a patient with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis and ankylosed cervical spine, European Spine Journal (IF 1.994), 19 (Suppl 2) (2010) S130-S134.


PIŠOT, Venčeslav, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Prve izkušnje s kolenskimi protezami s tibialno komponento iz trabekularnega tantala = First experiences with knee prostheses with a tibial component made of trabecular tantalum. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], dec. 2009, letn. 78, suppl. , str. II-57-II-78. [COBISS.SI-ID 23467047]

KOVAČ, Simon, TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna. Vstavitev kolenske proteze s pomočjo računalniške navigacije v primerjavi klasičnim inštrumentarijem : študija primera s kontrolo = Computer-assisted surgery versus manual total knee arthroplasty : a case-controlled study. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-49-II-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 26731481]

MOHAR, Janez, MIHALIČ, Rene, HERO, Nikša. Primerjava operativnega zdravljenja skolioz v Ortopedski bolnišnici Valdoltra v letih 1998 in 2008 = A comparison of operative treatement of scoliosis at the Valdoltra Orthopaedic hospital in years 1998 and 2008. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-63-II-70. [COBISS.SI-ID 26731737]

LEVAŠIČ, Vesna, PIŠOT, Venčeslav, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Register endoprotetike v ortopedski bolnišnici Valdoltra in analiza odstranjenih vsadkov = Artroplasty Register of the Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital implant retrieval program. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], dec. 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-73-II-80, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 23466791]

CÖR, Andrej. Histološka analiza obproteznih tkiv ob omajanih sklepnih protezah = Histological analysis of the periprosthetic tissue around failed joint arthroplasties. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-79-II-84. [COBISS.SI-ID 26731993]
TERČIČ, Dunja, TREBŠE, Rihard. Analiza periprotetičnega punktata v diagnostiki okužbe umetnih sklepov = Analysis of periprosthetic aspirate in the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-85-II-93. [COBISS.SI-ID 26732249]

KOVAČ, Simon, TREBŠE, Rihard, BERCE, Aleš, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Umetni kolčni sklepi z obremenilnim sklopom kovina-na-polietilen = Total hip replacement with metal-on-polyethylene bearings. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], dec. 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-9-II-20, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 23466279]

TREBŠE, Rihard, KOVAČ, Simon, BERCE, Aleš, PUKL, Miha, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Umetni kolčni sklepi z obremenilnim sklopom s prekrižanim polietilenom = Total hip replacement with bearing with cross-linked polyethylene. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], dec. 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-21-II-33, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 23466023]

MILOŠEV, Ingrid, KOVAČ, Simon, TOPOLOVEC, Matevž, PIŠOT, Venčeslav, TREBŠE, Rihard. Umetni kolčni sklepi z obremenilnim sklopom kovina-na-kovino = Total hip replacement with metal-on-metal-bearings. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], dec. 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-34-II-40, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 23465767]

MILOŠEV, Ingrid, TREBŠE, Rihard, MARJANOVIČ, Benjamin, KOVAČ, Simon. Umetni kolčni sklepi z obremenilnim sklopom keramika-na-keramiko = Total hip replacement with ceramic-on-ceramic bearings. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], dec. 2009, letn. 78, suppl. 2, str. II-41-II-49, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 23465511]


VIRTANEN, S., MILOŠEV, Ingrid, GOMEZ-BARRENA, E., TREBŠE, Rihard, SALO, J., KONTTINEN, Y.T. Special modes of corrosion under physiological and simulated physiological conditions. Acta biomaterialia, 2008, vol. 4, no. 3, str. 468-476. [COBISS.SI-ID 21646119] JCR IF (2006): 2.132, SE (5/14), materials science, biomaterials, x: 1.868

TREBŠE, Rihard, BERCE, Aleš, KOVAČ, Simon. Preplastitvena artroplastika kolka skozi direktni lateralni pristop. Prvi rezultati in pregled = Metal-on-metal hip resurfacing arthroplasty using the direct lateral approach.First results and literature review. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], november 2008, letn. 77, št. 11, str. 751-755. [COBISS.SI-ID 25150425]

GALVANI, Vesna, MAVER, Slavica, SOLDATOVIĆ, Gordana, KRAMAR, Irena. Prvi primer s transfuzijo povezane akutne poškodbe pljuč (TRALI) v Sloveniji = First report of transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) in Slovenia. Zdravniški vestnik, ISSN 1318-0347. [Tiskana izd.], 2008, letn. 77, št. 4, str. 323-329. [COBISS.SI-ID 24224729]


BERG, Hans, EIKEN, Ola, MIKLAVČIČ, Lucijan, MEKJAVIĆ, Igor B. Hip, thigh and calf muscle atropy and bone loss alfer 5-week bedrest inactivity. European journal of applied physiology. [Print ed.], 2007, vol. 99, str. 283-289. [COBISS.SI-ID 20630567] JCR IF (2006): 1.601, SE (49/79), physiology, x: 2.794, SE (19/73), sport sciences, x: 1.162

TREBŠE, Rihard, POBERAJ, Boris, CÖR, Andrej, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna. Arthroscopic removal of an osteoid osteoma in the radial head : a case report. Arthroscopy, 2007, letn. 23, št. 12, str. 1361.e1-1361.e3. [COBISS.SI-ID 23647961]


Sannakaisa Virtanen, Antti Soininen, Veli-Matti Tiainen, Danijel Besic, Miha Pukl, Teemu Kinnari, Jari Salo, Rihard Trebse, Andrej Trampuz, Yrjö T. Konttinen. Traces of biomolecules as footprints on titanium surfaces. Suomen Ortopedija ja Traumatologija 2007; 29:290 295.

TREBŠE, Rihard, POBERAJ, Boris, CÖR, Andrej, LEVAŠIČ, Vesna. Prvi primer artroskopske odstranitve osteoid-osteoma iz glavice radiusa = The first case of arthroscopically removed osteoid osteoma of the radial head. Endosk. rev., 2006, letn. 11, št. 26, str. 163-168. [COBISS.SI-ID 22160345]

KOVAČ, Simon, TREBŠE, Rihard, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, PAVLOVČIČ, Vinko, PIŠOT, Venčeslav. Long-term survival of a cemented titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy straight-stem femoral component. J. bone jt. surg., Br. vol., 2006, vol. 88, no. 12, str. 1567-1573. [COBISS.SI-ID 20374055] JCR IF: 1.79, SE (11/43), orthopedics, x: 1.283, SE (44/138), surgery, x: 1.487

MILOŠEV, Ingrid, TREBŠE, Rihard, KOVAČ, Simon, CÖR, Andrej, PIŠOT, Venčeslav. Survivorship and retrieval analysis of sikomet metal-on-metal total hip replacements at a mean of seven years. J. bone jt. surg., Am. vol., 2006, vol. 88, no. 6, str. 1173-1182. [COBISS.SI-ID 19896103]

COPF, Franc, WITTE, Hartmut, RAVNIK, Dean, COPF, Peter, PIŠOT, Venčeslav, PŠENIČNIK, Majda, KRAMBERGER, Slavko, PAVLOVČIČ, Vinko, ANTOLIČ, Vane, GRABOW, Jörg, JAVORNIK, Daniel, COPF, Desiere, PETREŠIN, Eugen, FILIPPENKO, V. A., HRIBERNIK, Marija. Subchondral compact bone presented as part of a hydro- and thermodynamic system in femoral head and of a femoral condyle shock absorber. Ortop., travmatol. protez., 2006, no. 4, str. 39-46. [COBISS.SI-ID 11943958]

KONTTINEN, Y.T., WRIGHT, T.M., TREBŠE, Rihard, M. Tagaki, M. Silbermann, J. Salo. C. Rieker, D.P. Piolerri, T. Ogino, L. Nordsletten, R. Lappalainen, W. Jiranek, S.B. Goodman, E,. Gomez-Barrena, K.D. Draenert, P. Aspenberg. Total joint replacement and aseptic loosening. Helix Review series, Rheumatology, 2006, letn. 8, št. 1, str. 98-102. [COBISS.SI-ID 20966873]


TREBŠE, Rihard, MILOŠEV, Ingrid, KOVAČ, Simon, MIKEK, Martin, PIŠOT, Venčeslav. Poor results from the isoelastic total hip replacement : 14-17-year follow-up of 149 cementless prostheses. Acta Orthop, 2005, vol. 76, str. 169-176. [COBISS.SI-ID 18998311] JCR IF: 1.157, SE (19/41), orthopedics, x: 1.19

TREBŠE, Rihard, PIŠOT, Venčeslav, TRAMPUŽ, Andrej. Treatment of infected retained implants. J. bone jt. surg., Br. vol., 2005, letn. 87, št. 2, str. 249-256. [COBISS.SI-ID 19276505] JCR IF: 1.565, SE (12/41), orthopedics, x: 1.19, SE (48/139), surgery, x: 1.378

MILOŠEV, Ingrid, TREBŠE, Rihard, KOVAČ, Simon, CÖR, Andrej, CAMPBELL, Pat. Dissociation of the metal inlay from the polyethylene liner in an uncemented threaded cup. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 2005, vol. 125, str. 134-141. [COBISS.SI-ID 18926119] JCR IF: 0.678, SE (28/41), orthopedics, x: 1.19, SE (101/139), surgery, x: 1.378

MILOŠEV, Ingrid, PIŠOT, Venčeslav, CAMPBELL, Pat. Serum levels of cobalt and chromium in patients with Sikomet metal-metal total hip replacements. J. orthop. res.. [Print ed.], 2005, vol. 23, str. 526-535. [COBISS.SI-ID 19100967] JCR IF: 2.916, SE (2/41), orthopedics, x: 1.19


KOVAČ, Simon, PIŠOT, Venčeslav, TREBŠE, Rihard, ROTTER, Aleksander. Fifty-one-year survival of a Judet polymethylmethacrylate hip prosthesis. J Arthroplast, 2004, letn. 19, št. 5, str. 664-667. [COBISS.SI-ID 19037145] JCR IF: 1.058, SE (16/42), orthopedics, x: 1.002


MILOŠEV, Ingrid, STREHBLOW, H.-H. The composition of the surface passive film formed on CoCrMo alloy in simulated physiological solution. Electrochimica Acta. [Print ed.]. 2003, vol. 48, str. 2767-2774. ISSN 0013-4686. [COBISS.SI-ID 17705767], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 180, čistih citatov (CI): 170, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 85,00, Scopus do 22. 8. 2022: št. citatov (TC): 215, čistih citatov (CI): 203, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 101,50]

TRAMPUŽ, Andrej, KAVČIČ, Martina, GRMEK-KOŠNIK, Irena, TREBŠE, Rihard. Comparison of culture of synovial fluid, periprosthetic tissue and prosthesis sonicate for the diagnosis of knee prosthesis infection = Primerjava kulture sinovialne tekočine, obproteznega tkiva in sonikata proteze v diagnostiki okužb kolenskih protez. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], marec 2003, letn. 72, št. 3, str. 117-125. [COBISS.SI-ID 16471513]




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