International patients


Our hospital was founded in 1909 as a sanatoryum for bone diseases for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After World War I it was renovated by the American Red Cross. In 1920 it was taken over by the Italian Red Cross and after WW II Valdoltra became part of Yugoslavian health systeme. It turned to orthopaedics and in early 1961 was renamed Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital.

Today we are an orthopaedic centre equipped with modern diagnostic and therapeutic tools (Magnetic resonance, Computerised Tomography, modern operating theatres, laser arthroscopy technology). The three renovated pavilions offer 190 patient beds, representing rather more than 50% of Slovenia’s orthopaedic capacity. In the specialised orthopaedic outpatients department more than 33,000 patients from all over Slovenia are seen and treated annually, while some 6,000 are hospitalised.  We carry out over 5,250 surgical operations each year (prosthesis of major joints, spinal surgery, arthroscopy and other common surgical procedures of today) in 6 modern operating theattres. Valdoltra has had the Arthroplasty Registry since 2002 and from 2019 on is the holder of The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia (RES). Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital is in constant contact with other orthopaedic centres in Slovenia and worldwide.

Valdoltra Arthroplasty Registry (Register artroplastike Valdoltra - RAV)

The Hospital Registry was established in 2002. It has  100 % compliance rate and it covers all total hip, total and uni knee replacements in the hospital.


Valdoltra Hip Arthroplasty Registry Report 2024 (data 2002-2023)

Valdoltra Knee Arthroplasty Registry Report 2023 (data 2002-2022)



The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia

(Register endoprotetike Slovenije – RES)


from 1st March 2024 RES has it's own web-page: Home - RES ( 


The collection of the data for The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia (Register endoprotetike Slovenije – RES) started on 1st January 2019. This was made possible with the acceptance of The new Healthcare Databases Act (ZZPPZ-B), which regulates the registers from the healthcare filed that named Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital as a RES holder.


3rd RES Annual Report - Hip and Knee replacement 2022 (data 2021)

2nd RES Annual Report - Knee replacement (data 2020)

2nd RES Annual Report - Hip replacement (data 2020)

1st RES Annual Report - Knee replacement (data 2019)

1st  RES Annual Report - Hip replacement (data 2019)


Conference and Congress:

12th Annual International Congress of Arthroplasty Registries, Montreal – May 13-15, 2023

The role of arthroplasty registry in detecting early failure of a modern uncemented total knee

11th Annual International Congress of Arthroplasty Registries, Dublin – September 3-5, 2022

Impact of Covid-19 on orthopedic patient in Slovenia: Hip and knee replacement surgery, 90-day mortality, outpatientvisits and waiting times



THA primary dataset

THA revision dataset

TKA primary dataset

TKA revision dataset

Short presentation of Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital:

 Ortopedska bolnišnica Valdoltra - brošura SVN

 Ospedale ortopedico Valdoltra  - opuscolo ITA

Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital - Brochure ENG

Ортопедическая больница Валдортра - Broshyura RUS



Slovenia Medical - EN

Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra - About Us


Ортопедическая больница Валдортра - О нас



Service range

Outpatient services

  • Preoperative anaesthesiology department
  • Neurophysiology  Department - EMG
  • Orthopaedic outpatient department


Hospitalisation services

  • Surgical treatment:
    • Joint endoprothesis (Hip, Knee,  Ankle, Shoulder....)
    • Spinal operations (spinal disc herniation - hernias, spinal chord symbiosis, spinal deformations)
    • Pediatric Orthopaedics
    • Arthroscopic operations (ligaments, bone cartilages,  meniscus, articular capsules)
    • Foot operations (Halux valgus and other foot deformations)
    • Removal of osteosynthetic material.
  • Non-surgical (conservative) treatment:
    • Physiotherapy
    • Medical - pain reduction therapy


Radiology procedures

  • Magnetic resonance (MR)
  • Computerised tomography (CT scanning)
  • Classical X-ray diagnostics
  • Ultrasound diagnostics


Administrative procedures

For all additional information  and to request an appointment or examination send a message by e-mail or call us on +386 5 66 96 222 or + 386 5 66 96 237.

If you require an entry visa you will need to send a copy of your passport at least a month before your arrival to fax No. +386 5 65 27 185


Method of payment

Invoices for outpatient services (specialist examination and diagnostic services) should be settled immediately at the hospital payments office.

If you have agreed with an orthopaedic specialist to receive treatment, we will prepare an estimate of costs for you. Advance payments to the level of this estimate should be transferred one week prior to the expected date of arrival to our account as follows:

Banka Slovenije - SWIFT: BSLJSI2X, - IBANSI 56011006030277312 (Quoting the estimate reference number)



Zdravje je vredno več kakor največje bogastvo.


Spoštovani. Objavljamo prosto delovno mesto: B017891 STROKOVNI DIREKTOR - M/Ž  (1 oseba, določen čas 4 leta, za čas trajanja mandata) Podrobnejšo vsebino in pogoje za zasedbo delovnega mesta si lahko ogledate v prilogi. Prijave s priloženimi...
Ortopedsko bolnišnico Valdoltra je pred kratkim obiskala novinarka Radia Koper. Njen obisk je bil posvečen parku, ki obdaja in krasi našo bolnišnico. Nastal je zanimiv prispevek o nasadih vrtnic, ki so bile leta 1997 nadgrajene z zbirko izbranih...

(05) 6696 100

(05) 6696 100

Telefonska številka

(05) 6527 185

(05) 6527 185

Fax številka

Jadranska cesta 31

Jadranska cesta 31

6280 Ankaran, Slovenija

E-poštni naslov