Address: Jadranska cesta 31, Ankaran, Slovenia.
Today, Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital can be reached quite fast from any place in Slovenia thanks to good road connections. You may also use public transport (train or bus to Koper, Valdoltra and Lazaret), with stops at the very entrance to the Hospital.
Directions from the town of Koper:
Head down the motorway from Koper towards Ljubljana (blue signposts) and at the Bivje intersection bear right towards Trieste; after a few kilometres take the Škofije junction and then at the roundabout exit in the direction of Ankaran.
Directions from the city of Ljubljana:
Head down the motorway from Ljubljana towards Koper, after the Dekani tunnel bear right and follow the signs for Ankaran that will lead you to the motorway (blue signposts) linking Koper and Trieste. After a few hundred metres take the first exit for Škofije and at the roundabout follow the direction of Ankaran.
The Hospital is located 800 m from the Ankaran roundabout in the direction of Debeli rtič. Parking is available in front of the hospital.